Entries by admin

Going for the finish line: local and international cooperation

Eger is in cooperation with 11 surrounding settlements and the Bükk National Park in the tender to win the title of „European Capital of Culture 2023”. The deadline for submissions was December 20, 2017. Eger’s tender was put together after a long preparatory period, drawing on the experience of local and international cultural forums and […]

Bemutattuk Eger EKF2023 filmjét

Az alkotás semmiképp sem turisztikai szempontok szerint készült, hiszen az EKF 2023 pályázat sem egy turisztikai projekt. A kisfilm létrehozásának oka és célja Eger pályázatának alátámasztása, a főbb sarokpontok megvilágítása egy sajátos, a fiatalokat megszólító, filmes szempontból. Íme.


Elkészült Eger pályázata, melyet 2017 december 18-án, szép formába öntve, angol és magyar nyelven is 20-20 példányban vittek el munkatársaink az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériumába. A Városháza udvarára spontán módon szervezett találkozón jelen voltak a művészeti munkacsoportok tagjai közül mindazok, akik időt tudtak szakítani egy rövid találkozásra. “Együtt kísértük első útjára” a reményeink szerint sikeres egri […]

Cooperation with the settlements of the region

In response to the Eger Local Government’s initiative, twelve towns signed the cooperation treaty regarding the European Capital of Culture tender application. At the Egerszalók meeting the roles of natural treasures and touristic opportunities were highlighted besides those of culture and tradition. In addition, the wish to foster a love of culture in the youngest […]

Eger’s tender is on its way

The ECoC2023 tender application was dispatched on Monday morning. As you will have heard, Eger is aiming to win the title of European Capital of Culture in 2023. Mayor László Habis said that an excellent opportunity has also arisen to revive the city; one example of this is the new Eger youth choir.

“ECOC” at the Eger round table discussion

Participants of the meeting focussed on the review of equal opportunity initiatives in Eger, the European Capital of Culture tender application and the experiences of the Eger Round table of citizens. The meeting, held in the Hall of Citizens, was chaired by Gabriella Bohus Badacsonyiné, who is currently tenured in the position.

Music everywhere

To celebrate World Music Day, the musicians of the city infused the city with the “Mood of ECoC” by performing at surprise spots in Eger. There was music at the bus terminal, on top of the multi-story car park at Katona square, and aboard one of the local buses.

December 20: deadline for tender applications

Eger is on the final lap of preparations for the European Capital of Culture 2023 tender application. Currently, the coordination of events is under way. The tender’s submission deadline is December 20. As determined by the decision of the EU, the title of European Capital of Culture may be awarded to a city from Hungary […]

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